English Language Usage

These pages contain examples of English language usage. The examples are taken from writings on different subjects and illustrate different aspects of writing English. The main focus is on technical writing.

General Technical:

Examples of technical writing style - part 1

Examples of technical writing style - part 2

Examples of technical writing style - part 3


Examples of good writing style from the field of manufacturing


Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 1

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 2

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 3

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 4

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 5

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 6

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 7

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 8

Examples of good writing style from the field of software - part 9


Examples of good writing style from the field of computer technology - part 1

Examples of good writing style from the field of computer technology - part 2


Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 1

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 2

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 3

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 4

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 5

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 6

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 7

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 8

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 9

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 10

Examples of good writing style from the field of electronics - part 11

Control systems:

Examples of good writing style in writing on control systems


Examples of good writing style in writing on communications - part 1

Examples of good writing style in writing on communications - part 2

Examples of good writing style in writing on communications - part 3

Examples of good writing style in writing on communications - part 4


Examples of good writing style in texts on instrumentation - part 1

Examples of good writing style in texts on instrumentation - part 2

Examples of good writing style in texts on instrumentation - part 3

Examples of good writing style in texts on instrumentation - part 4

Examples of good writing style in texts on instrumentation - part 5

Examples of good writing style in texts on instrumentation - part 6


Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 1

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 2

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 3

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 4

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 5

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 6

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 7

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 8

Examples of good writing style in texts on electrical engineering - part 9


Examples of good writing style in texts on hi-fi equipment - part 1

Examples of good writing style in texts on hi-fi equipment - part 2


Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 1

Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 2

Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 3

Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 4

Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 5

Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 6

Examples of good writing style in texts on mechanical engineering - part 7

Examples of good writing style in texts on materials

Examples of good writing style in texts on information technology


Examples of good writing style in texts on mathematics - part 1

Examples of good writing style in texts on mathematics - part 2

Examples of good writing style in texts on mathematics - part 3

Business Writing:

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 1

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 2

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 3

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 4

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 5

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 6

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 7

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 8

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 9

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 10

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 11

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 12

Examples of language usage in business writing - part 13


Some grammatical aspects of English usage - part 1

Some grammatical aspects of English usage - part 2

Some grammatical aspects of English usage - part 3

Some grammatical aspects of English usage - part 4

Some grammatical aspects of English usage - part 5

Some grammatical aspects of English usage - part 6


Aspects of style in English usage - part 1

Aspects of style in English usage - part 2

Aspects of style in English usage - part 3

Aspects of style in English usage - part 4

Aspects of style in English usage - part 5

Aspects of style in English usage - part 6

Aspects of style in English usage - part 7

Aspects of style in English usage - part 8

Aspects of style in English usage - part 9

Aspects of style in English usage - part 10

Aspects of style in English usage - part 11

Aspects of style in English usage - part 12

Aspects of style in English usage - part 13

Aspects of style in English usage - part 14

Aspects of style in English usage - part 15

Aspects of style in English usage - part 16

Academic style:

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