General style - Part 9

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General examples of style in English usage - Part 9

Notes on Writing Style in English.

These are notes I made while translating from German into English. They are things that crop up again and again, and are worth noting down.

* * - … as illustrated in Fig. 12.10. Figure 12.90 (a) shows a step change in the system output, subsequent figures showing the effects of different types of controllers

- … as described in Chapter 3.

- (see also Chapter 8).

- The two types are described in Secs 12.14 and 12.17, respectively.

- Only the first two will be discussed in this section. (use lowercase here)

- . . . . (i.e., . . . .) . . . .

- . . . . (. . . . . . . .) . . . . (a sentence comment starting in lower case)

- It is especially suited to measurement of . . .

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