Nullpunktabgleich zero-point adjustment

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Glossar-Messgeräte Teil 2 - "N3"


Nulllinie base line

Nullpunkt zero-point, origin, (control, maths) origin/zero, (#Electronics) (Ă„nderung von Nullpunkten) (e.g. output voltage) shifts, (temperature) zero, zero value
(* * NB Please view short example translations of terms closely related to "Nullpunkt". * *)

Nullpunktabgleich zero-point adjustment
(* * NB Please view short example translations with "Nullpunktabgleich" and terms closely related to "Nullpunktabgleich". * *)

Nullpunktdrift zero shift, zero displacement, zero drift, zero-point drift

Öffnerkontakt break contact, N/C contact

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