Information Technology Dictionary in German and English

Information Technology Dictionary in German and English
Glossar der Informationstechnologie - Deutsch-Englisch

This is a German-English glossary of terms in Information Technology (IT). It is quite general and deals mainly with the handling of IT systems in businesses. It is not really very technical. Some terms in the glossary are used as well in other technical fields. References to these fields are given where appropriate throughout the glossary. Some of these fields are: Chip Design, IC Layout, Bus Systems, Semiconductors, Electronics, Trucks, Training, Warehouses, Control Engineering, Maths, RFID, Trains, Leather Goods, Software, etc.

All terms in this glossary are also stored in a database for your convenience. You can search this database for terms from the glossary. Another option is to browse through the glossary by going to the pages listed in the table below.

Dies ist ein deutsch-englisches Glossar mit Begriffen aus der Informationstechnologie (IT). Es ist recht allgemein gehalten und befasst sich hauptsächlich mit dem Umgang mit IT-Systemen in Unternehmen. Es ist nicht wirklich sehr technisch. Einige Begriffe des Glossars werden auch in anderen technischen Bereichen verwendet. Wo es angebracht ist, werden im Glossar Verweise auf diese Bereiche angegeben. Einige dieser Felder sind: physikalischer Entwurf, IC-Layout, Bussysteme, Halbleiter, Elektronik, Nutzfahrzeugtechnik, Ausbildung, Lagerhäuser, Verfahrenstechnik, Mathematik, RFID, Bahntehcnik, Lederwaren, Software usw.

Alle Begriffe in diesem Glossar werden zu Ihrer Bequemlichkeit auch in einer Datenbank gespeichert. Sie können in dieser Datenbank nach Begriffen aus dem Glossar suchen. Eine weitere Möglichkeit besteht darin, das Glossar zu durchsuchen, indem Sie die in der nachstehenden Tabelle aufgeführten Seiten aufrufen.

The glossary is arranged in alphabetical order.

To access it click the appropriate letter in the table below:

"A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "A5" "A6"
"A7" "A8" "A9" "A10" "A11" "A12"
"A13" "A14" "A15" "A16" "A17" "A18"
"A19" "A20" "A21" "A22" "A23" "A24"
"A25" "A26" "A27" "A28" "A29" "A30"
"A31" "A32" "A33" "A34" "A35" "B1"
"B2" "B3" "B4" "B5" "B6" "B7"
"B8" "B9" "B10" "B11" "B12" "B13"
"B14" "B15" "B16" "B17" "B18" "B19"
"C1" "C2" "C3" "D1" "D2" "D3"
"D4" "D5" "D6" "D7" "D8" "D9"
"D10" "D11" "D12" "E1" "E2" "E3"
"E4" "E5" "E6" "E7" "E8" "E9"
"E10" "E11" "E12" "E13" "E14" "E15"
"E16" "E17" "E18" "F1" "F2" "F3"
"F4" "F5" "F6" "F7" "F8" "F9"
"F10" "F11" "F12" "G1" "G2" "G3"
"G4" "G5" "G6" "G7" "G8" "G9"
"G10" "H1" "H2" "H3" "H4" "H5"
"H6" "I1" "I2" "I3" "I4" "I5"
"I6" "I7" "I8" "I9" "I10" "I11"
"K1" "K2" "K3" "K4" "K5" "K6"
"K7" "K8" "K9" "K10" "K11" "K12"
"K13" "K14" "K15" "L1" "L2" "L3"
"L4" "L5" "L6" "L7" "M1" "M2"
"M3" "M4" "M5" "M6" "M7" "M8"
"M9" "M10" "M11" "M12" "M13" "M14"
"M15" "O1" "O2" "O3" "P1" "P2"
"P3" "P4" "P5" "P6" "P7" "P8"
"P9" "P10" "P11" "P12" "P13" "P14"
"P15" "P16" "P17" "P18" "P19" "P20"
"P21" "R1" "R2" "R3" "R4" "R5"
"R6" "R7" "R8" "R9" "R10" "R11"
"S1" "S2" "S3" "S4" "S5" "S6"
"S7" "S8" "S9" "S10" "S11" "S12"
"S13" "S14" "S15" "S16" "S17" "S18"
"S19" "S20" "S21" "S22" "S23" "T1"
"T2" "T3" "T4" "T5" "T6" "T7"
"U1" "U2" "U3" "U4" "U5" "U6"
"U7" "U8" "V1" "V2" "V3" "V4"
"V5" "V6" "V7" "V8" "V9" "V10"
"V11" "V12" "V13" "V14" "V15" "W1"
"W2" "W3" "W4" "W5" "Z1" "Z2"
"Z3" "Z4" "Z5" "Z6" "Z7" "Z8"

Here is a termbase containing more terminology in German and English on Information Technology and many other engineering and business topics: German/English engineering and business terminology database

Hier finden Sie eine Termbank mit mehr Terminologie in Deutsch und Englisch zu Informationstechnologie und vielen anderen technischen und wirtschaftlichen Themen Deutsch/englische Datenbank für Ingenieur- und Wirtschaftsterminologie

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