Striking similarities between the Urdu and Irish languages

Numerals 1 to 10 in Irish (Gaelic) and Urdu/Hindi

Urdu numerals are also known as Arab numbers.

Urdu is the language spoken in Northern India and Pakistan.

Urdu/Hindi and Irish are all Indo-European languages.

Again, you can see a great similarity between the two languages here:


Number Irish Urdu Urdu/Arabic


Hindi (Devanagari)
0 nialas sifar (Urdu) /
shoonya (Hindi)
1 aon ek ١
2 do ٢
3 trí teen ٣
4 ceathair chaar ٤
5 cúig paanch ٥
6 che ٦
7 seacht saat ٧
8 ocht aaTh ٨
9 naoi nau ٩
10 deich dus ٪

Notes on Indo-European numerals taken from a book by Winfred P. Lehmann called the Theoretical Bases of Indo-European Linguistics, and published in 1993 by Ruthledge.

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