Sattelauflieger semitrailer, STLR (stlr), semi-trailer
Sattelkupplung fifth wheel, (Sattelzug - semitrailer train) fifthwheel, fifthwheel coupling, semitrailer coupling, coupling gear
Sattellast approved vertical load on tractor, (Sattelzugmaschine - semitrailer tractor) vertical load borne by a tractor for a semitrailer, or by a semitrailer tractor. Weight borne by a tractor for a semitrailer, or by a semitrailer tractor, fifthwheel load, fifth-wheel load, vertical load on the fifthwheel, fifthwheel pressure, fifth-wheel pressure
Sattelzugmaschine articulated truck
Saugbecherpistole suction feed spray gun
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