Glossar Maschinenbau, Deutsch-Englisch - "D7"

Drehrichtungspfeil (Would you like to see an explanatory image and English terms for Drehrichtungspfeil >>)

Drehstromeingang three-phase current input, three-phase input, three-phase line

Drehtor hinged door, revolving gate, swing gate, gate, revolving gate, hinged gate

Drehzahlbereich speed range, revolution range (motor), (Drehmoment im unteren Drehzahlbereich) low-end torque (engines), rotational speed range (machine tools), rpm range (engines)

Drehzahlmessung rotational speed measurement, speed measurement, RPM measurement

Druckangaben pressure values, pressure specifications, pressures specified, pressure ratings, technical data for pressure, pressure requirements, pressure data, pressure indication, print specifications

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