Glossar Maschinenbau, Deutsch-Englisch - "B20"

Bremsstop brake stop

Bremstrommel (Get English terms and see an image of Bremstrommel >>)

brennbar flammable, flammability, inflammable, nonflammable (not easily ignited), combustible, (nicht brennbar) incombustible, (nicht brennbar) non-combustible, (schwer brennbar) fire-resistant

Bruchlast breaking (ultimate) load, ultimate load, breakage strength, collapse load (e.g. plastics), load to fracture, fracture load, load at rupture, tensile strength, breaking stress, failure load, breaking strain

Brückenverstärker bridge amplifier, bridge amp, signal conditioning system, conditioned analog channel, signal conditioner, amplifier

Buchse (electrical) jack, socket, bushing, liner, sleeve, outlet for a connector, connector, female connector
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