Bildung generation, (of condensation) accumulation, (wells, IC layout) patterning, (contacts) (zur Bildung) for making, creating, development, formation
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Bildungsstätte training insitution, educational insitution, educational establishment, education center, education and training center, educational facility, educational entity, training centre, training workshops (vocational), institution for higher education (university)
Blase (Blasen enthält) bubble entrainment, bubble, blowhole (in hot metal), (medical) bladder,
(medical) blister
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Blendenbeschriftung (fair stands) fascia panel, fascia board lettering, fascia lettering, name sign, lettering on fascia, fascia board description, lettering on panels
Blendrahmen covering frame, trim frame, frame, cover frame, panel frame
Bodenanschlusseinheit base connector unit, ground connection unit
Bodenanschlussfeld floor service panel, ground connection panel
Bodenbefestigungsschraube (Would you like to see an explanatory image and English terms for Bodenbefestigungsschraube >>)
Bodendruck earth pressure, ground pressure, soil pressure, pressing against the ground, pressure on the ground, surface pressure
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