Ausserbetriebnahme removal from service, take out of service, shutdown, ceased operation (plant), out of operation, decommissioning (nuclear plant), not used, take out of operation, is not operating
Austaster OFF switch, emergency stop, emergency stop button, OFF button, emergency stop switch
Austauschbarkeit interchangeability, replaceability, portability, exchangeability, use as substitutes (food), can be replaced, compatibility, flexible, substitutability
Austritt leaks out, leakage, leaking, (liquids) discharge, spill, outlet, (IC layout, current) exits,
release (gas), (material) escape, off-boarding (staff), exit (project)
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ausziehen remove, take off (clothes), extract, pull out, extend (telescope), stretch
auszuschalten shut down, switch off, switched off, turn off
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