aufliegt lies, lies on, make contact with, touches, (lose aufliegt) is released, stops against, is located against, attached to, (a cover) is extended over, leans against, is sealed, (seal) rests on, supporting, placed on, (seal) seated on
Aufnehmerflansch sensor flange, transducer flange
aufpuffern (welding) to bead, (welding) to butter, build up by welding, buffering
Aufriss elevation, outline, section, sketch, (data) drilldown, (information) breakdown, (information) break down, detailed view, (building) elevation, (description) review, (building) layout
Aufspann chucking, clamping, opening, tooling, gripping, set-up, adapter, fixturing, fixture, resetting, (transformer) step-up, (machine tools) jig, jigging
Aufspannmittel (Möchten Sie ein Bild und englische Fachbegriffe für Aufspannmittel >> sehen?)
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