antreibt to run, runs, drives, actuate, energize, powers, propels (a turbine), operates (device)
Antriebsfreigabe drive release, drive enable, drive is enabled
Antriebskopf (Get English terms and see an image of Antriebskopf >>)
Antriebsleistung (#trains) traction power, (trains) traction power rating, (trains) tractive rating, motive power, driving power, drive power, power, power output, power input, input power, engine output, drive rating, power rating, horsepower, output, power and torque, drive capacity, propulsion power, capacity
Antriebsmoment drive torque, driving torque, starting torque, torque, actuator torque, engine torque, input torque
Antriebsmotor drive motor, drive unit, prime mover, actuator motor, propulsion motor, electric drive, drive engine, engine, machine
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