Anmeldung log on, registration, application, applying for, notification, declare (customs), give notice of attendance, filing (for a patent)
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annäherbar can be forced towards or pushed towards, approachable
Annäherungsbewegung motion or movement towards, move within reach of
Anriss crack, cracking, crack initiation, incipient crack, marking, marking out, line marker, partial tear (of ligament), plan (sketch), discussion (business plan), history (narrative)
Ansatzendhülle (for front brake on a bicycle) lug sleeve
Ansaugdruck intake pressure (pumps), suction pressure (pumps), pressure at the inlet (pumps, inlet pressure (pumps)), manifold pressure (IC engines)
Anschlagmittel (Would you like to see an explanatory image and English terms for Anschlagmittel >>)
Anschlagring butt ring, stop ring, stopper ring, impact ring, split ring, ring, circlip, washer, collar
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