Schraubklemme screw terminal

Glossar Messtechnik - "S7"

Schraubdeckel screw cap, screw type terminal, screw terminal, binding post

Schraubklemme (US) screw terminal connection, screw type terminal, terminal screw, screwed terminal, screw terminal

Schraubring ring nut
(* * NB Please view short example translations with "Schraubring" and terms closely related to "Schraubring". * *)

Schraubverbindung (mech) threaded joint, bolted joint, screwing, (elec) screwed connection

Schrumpfschlauch heat-shrinkable sleeve, heat-shrink hose

Schutz to safeguard, (zum Schutz) for protecting, protection rating, protection, prevent

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