abgeschirmt screened, (cable) shielded, (ESD, EMC, Störfeld, disturb field) blocked
Abgleich (airport baggage) reconcilation, match, (projects) matching, comparing
and updating, comparison, considered,(Messgerät) adjusting, adjustment, adjust,
synchronization, balance, (#Electronics) tuning, (calibration) compared with and then adjusted accordingly,
(calibrate), calibration
(* * NB Please view short example translations with "Abgleich" and terms closely related to "Abgleich". * *)
Abgleichbereich adjusting range
(* * NB Please view short example translations of terms closely related to "Abgleichbereich". * *)
Abgleicheinrichtung adjusting facility
Abgleichpotentiometer trimming potentiometer
ablagern precipitate, deposit
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