TS System - Design Notes

TS System - Design Notes

Notes Taken During the Design

Means of Stopping the Trolley

Some type of spring-loaded buffer could be used to stop the trolley when it arrives at Bay 1 or Bay2. These buffers are used on railways to stop trains. A bumper would be needed on the trolley as well to take the impact from the buffer on the track. I envisage that the trolley will be travelling quite slowly so the impact shouldn't be too great.

A dock bumper could be used as well. Here is an image of a dock bumper used at docking bays for trucks [27].

Another option is to use a mechanical stop on the track itself to stop the wheel. Here is an image of a mechanical stop used on tracks [28]. The trolley could tilt on impact though.

A block could be also be used on the track [28].


Frame at the very top and around the sides as a square fit.

Frame element below travel of rack or in the middle of the trolley leaving room for the rack to travel through.

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