These are typical entries in a term replacement file:
"Anzahlung","advance payment",1,1,dummy
"Arbeitszeitmodell","shift",1,1,noun(GS:Arbeitszeitmodells; NP:Arbeitszeitmodelle; DP:Arbeitszeitmodellen)
"Artikeltransport","goods transport",1,1,noun(GS:Artikeltransports; GS:Artikeltransportes; NP:Artikeltransporte; DP:Artikeltransporten)
"Aufgabelift","release lift",1,1,dummy
"Aufgabenbereich","scope of services",1,1,noun(GS:Aufgabenbereichs; GS:Aufgabenbereiches; NP:Aufgabenbereiche; DP:Aufgabenbereichen)
"Aufgabestation","release station",1,1,dummy
"Aufnahmeplatz","loading",1,1,noun(GS:Aufnahmeplatzes; NP:Aufnahmeplätze; DP:Aufnahmeplätzen)
"aufspüren","track down",1,1,verb
"Auftrag","[W: im Auftrag]by order of, job order, order, contract",1,1,noun(GS:Auftrags; GS:Auftrages; NP:Aufträge; DP:Aufträgen)
"Auftragsbehandlung","Production Order Manager",1,1,dummy
"Auftragsende","end of job",1,1,dummy
"Auftragslos","job lot",1,1,noun(GS:Auftragsloses; NP:Auftragslose; DP:Auftragslosen)
"Auftragspriorisierung","job prioritization",1,1,dummy
"Auftragsreihenfolge","job sequence",1,1,dummy
"Auftragstart","job start",1,1,dummy
"Auftragsveränderung","job change",1,1,dummy
"Auftragwert","contract value",1,1,noun(GS:Auftragwerts; GS:Auftragwertes; NP:Auftragwerte; DP:Auftragwerten)
"Etikett","[W:RFID][S21]tag, label",1,1,noun(GS:Etiketts; GS:Etikettes; NP:Etikette; DP:Etiketten)
"Folie","[S28]plastic film, overhead, slide",1,1,dummy
"Metadaten","[S46]metadata, meta tags",1,1,dummy
"schwenkt","(~ mit, follows it), follows",1,1,verb
"stellt","[W: stellt aus]will exhibit, [W: her/,, her.]sets up, [W: ab/,, ab.]will be assigning, [W:Verfügung, available]provides/sends/supply/feeds to, [W:Anforderung, requirement, standard]make, [W:zusammen, together]configures, [W: bereit]provides, [W: vor/,, vor:, vor.]presents, [W: dar/,, dar.]is, offers",1,1,verb
Notation | Description |
1,1 | This occurs with every term. The numbers control the case of a term and whether it is singular or plural. They can be set to "0" or "1," but in practice they are nearly always set to "1." |
noun | means a noun type |
verb | means a verb type |
adj | means an adjective type, also an adverbial type |
dummy | means any other type with no particular inflection, or none that the system can handle |
GS | means genitive singular |
NP | means nominative plural |
DP | means dative plural |
There are some other notations, for example:
"Folie","[S28]plastic film, overhead, slide",1,1,dummy
[S28] - "S" stands for "subject matter," and in this instance "28" stands for the subject "Vision systems and cameras."
"stellt","[W: stellt aus]will exhibit, [W: her/,, her.]sets up, [W: ab/,, ab.]will be assigning, [W:Verfügung, available]provides/sends/supply/feeds to, [W:Anforderung, requirement, standard]make, [W:zusammen, together]configures, [W: bereit]provides, [W: vor/,, vor:, vor.]presents, [W: dar/,, dar.]is, offers",1,1,verb
[W: bereit] - "W" stands for "word," or "context." By using it I'm attempting to use the context of a term to get a better grasp of its meaning, and so to provide a better English translation. That's the theory anyway. In practice, however, it's still a bit primitive, but worthwhile experimenting with.
"/" - Backslash - is a regular expression. It is also known as "Quote Next Char."
A backslash quotes any character. This allows a search for a character that is usually a regular expression itself.
In this example, a comma can be part of a phrase being searched for in a string, but it is also a delimiter for phrases in the string. So, the need arises to distinguish between the comma that is part of the phrase and the comma acting as delimiter between phrases. This is done by using the regular expression "/" (backslash). The backslash is placed before the comma in the phrase.
Sometimes the context for terms is given, e.g.
"schwenkt","(~ mit, follows it), follows",1,1,verb
There might be other notes on the terms here and there.
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