"Ag deireadh thiar thall" nó "i ndeireadh thiar thall" ... meaning: "At the end of the day" or "at long last"
"Ag bogadh ar aghaidh" ... meaning: "Going forward"
"Idir an dá linn, ..." ... meaning: "In the meantime, ..."
Ná bíodh lagmhisneach ort ..." ... meaning: "Don't be discouraged ..."
Here is a nice example of alliteration in Gaelic (Gaeilge), which I picked it up in an article in the Irish Times (January 2009). This type of alliteration is very common in Irish (Gaeilge):
" . Focail áirithe nach féidir leat iad a rá; smaointe fírinneacha ar muca magadh meige iad; siúicre á leathadh ar an bhfírinne shearbh ."
This is my translation of it in English:
" Certain words you cannot say; they are truthful thoughts on mocking bleating pigs; sugar that is spread on the cutting truth "
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