
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Punkt
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: angegeben
English: ~ unter Punkt 1, listed under item 1

Query term: Punkt
Topic: EMC
German: Punktschweißung
English: spot welding

Query term: Punkt
Topic: EMC
German: Punktschweißverbindung
English: spot-welded joint

Query term: Punkt
Topic: Elektrotechnik
German: Punktzahl
English: no. of points

Query term: Punkt
Topic: MeasurementAndControl
German: Punktdruckkopf
English: dot print head

Query term: Punkt
Topic: MeasurementAndControl
German: Punktschreiber
English: dotted-line recorder

Query term: Punkt
Topic: Peripheriegeräte
German: Punktraster
English: point matrix

Query term: Punkt
Topic: biogas
German: Punktfolge
English: sequence of items

Query term: Punkt
Topic: cameras
German: Punktewolke
English: point cloud

Query term: Punkt
Topic: cameras
German: Punktfehler
English: point error

Query term: Punkt
Topic: cameras
German: Punktnummer
English: point number

Query term: Punkt
Topic: conveyors
German: Punktlast
English: point load

Query term: Punkt
Topic: drives
German: Punktlandung
English: point landing

Query term: Punkt
Topic: electronics
German: Punktmasse
English: point mass

Query term: Punkt
Topic: instrumentation
German: Null-Punkt
English: zero point, zero, (MG) instrument zero

Query term: Punkt
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: 0-Punkt-Korrektur
English: zero-point correction, (better) zero correction

Query term: Punkt
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Null-Punkt
English: zero-point

Query term: Punkt
Topic: mechanics
German: Punktmatrix
English: dot matrix

Query term: Punkt
Topic: medical
German: Punktlichtquelle
English: point light source

Query term: Punkt
Topic: microelectronics
German: Punktsymmetrie
English: point symmetry

Query term: Punkt
Topic: miscellaneous
German: Punkt
English: (auf dem Punkt) to the point, area, point, (on a tour) stop, consideration, issue, aspect, (vision systems) point/pixel, (menu) function, (Punkt regler) step, (menu) item, point, (commercial) item, (publishing) pt, dot, step, Sec. section, position, period

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