
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: schrauben
Topic: ATM
German: abzuschrauben
English: unscrew

Query term: schrauben
Topic: Elektrotechnik
German: schraubenlose
English: screwless

Query term: schrauben
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Ausschrauben
English: removal

Query term: schrauben
Topic: Messgeräte
German: einschrauben
English: (screws) install (the screws ...) and tighten them down, screw in

Query term: schrauben
Topic: Messtechnik
German: Abschrauben
English: unscrewing

Query term: schrauben
Topic: Photovoltaik
German: Stockschrauben
English: hanger bolts

Query term: schrauben
Topic: Verfahrenstechnik
German: Flüssigschraubensicherung
English: screw-lock fluid

Query term: schrauben
Topic: electronics
German: Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher
English: Phillips screwdriver

Query term: schrauben
Topic: electronics
German: verschrauben
English: screw together, reconnect

Query term: schrauben
Topic: instrumentation
German: Einschrauben
English: screwing in

Query term: schrauben
Topic: instrumentation
German: festschrauben
English: Fasten x to y with the screws and tighten them down, Screw home, Thighten

Query term: schrauben
Topic: instrumentation
German: schraubenförmig
English: helically

Query term: schrauben
Topic: instrumentation
German: Verschrauben
English: screwing

Query term: schrauben
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: abschrauben
English: unscrew

Query term: schrauben
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: aufschrauben
English: screw on

Query term: schrauben
Topic: mechanics
German: anzuschrauben
English: screw on, screw tight, screw down, bolt on, bolt to, bolt tight, bolt down, mount, position, fix, attach, tighten, connected, screw fasten

Query term: schrauben
Topic: mechanics
German: aufzuschrauben
English: bolt on, bolted to, screw, screw on, unscrew, screw open, screw down, open (enclosure), attach, tighten (nuts), fix on (part), remove (cover)

Query term: schrauben
Topic: mechanics
German: einschrauben
English: screw in

Query term: schrauben
Topic: mechanics
German: Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher
English: crosshead screw driver

Query term: schrauben
Topic: printers
German: Steckschraubenschlüssel
English: spanner

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