
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Kristall
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Kristall
English: crystal

Query term: Kristall
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Kristallisation
English: crystallization

Query term: Kristall
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Kristall
English: crystal

Query term: Kristall
Topic: Photovoltaik
German: Kristallgrenzen
English: crystal boundaries

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electromigration
German: Kristallbaufehler
English: crystallographic defect/lattice defect

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electromigration
German: Kristallisationskeim
English: crystal nucleus

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electromigration
German: Kristallite
English: crystallite

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electromigration
German: Kristallorientierung
English: crystal orientation

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electromigration
German: Kristallstruktur
English: (EM) wiring structure/metal structure, crystal lattice, crystal structure

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electromigration
German: Kristallwachstum
English: crystal growth

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electronics
German: Kristallisationspunkt
English: point of crystallization

Query term: Kristall
Topic: electronics
German: Kristallisationsprozess
English: crystallization process

Query term: Kristall
Topic: instrumentation
German: Kristallbildung
English: crystallization

Query term: Kristall
Topic: instrumentation
German: Kristallgitter
English: crystal lattice

Query term: Kristall
Topic: semiconductors
German: Kristallisationskern
English: crystallization core

Query term: Kristall
Topic: semiconductors
German: Kristallverbund
English: crystalline structure

Query term: Kristall
Topic: semiconductors
German: Kristallzüchtung
English: crystal growth

Query term: Kristall
Topic: sensors
German: Kristallisationsvorgang
English: crystallization technique

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