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More English terms
Query term: Stoff
Topic: MeasurementAndControl
German: Stoffdatenbank
English: substance database
Query term: Stoff
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Stoffmenge
English: quantity of substance
Query term: Stoff
Topic: Messtechnik
German: Stoffwechsel
English: metabolic
Query term: Stoff
Topic: PostalAutomation
German: Stoffeingabe
English: (Automatische Stoffeingabe) flats automatic feeder, flats feeder, feeder module
Query term: Stoff
Topic: SAP
German: Stoffkosten
English: material costs
Query term: Stoff
Topic: biogas
German: Stoffschieber
English: material gate
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electromigration
German: Stoffvolumen
English: material volume
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffinhalt
English: contents of substances
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffrestriktion
English: restriction on substances
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffverbot
English: Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffablagerung
English: dumping
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffeffizienz
English: material efficiency
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stofffluss
English: material flow
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffflusskette
English: linear economy with a comma take, make, dispose comma material flow chain, linear comma take, make, dispose comma material flow, (offene Stoffflusskette) open or (linear, open-ended), material flow chain, material flow system
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffklasse
English: type of material
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffkreislauf
English: materials cycle
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffrecycling
English: material recycling
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffschluss
English: adhesive bond
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffverarbeitung
English: material processing
Query term: Stoff
Topic: electronics
German: Stoffvermischung
English: mixing of materials
Query term: Stoff
Topic: energy
German: Stofflast
English: pollution load
Query term: Stoff
Topic: law
German: Stoffverbot
English: prohibited material
Query term: Stoff
Topic: mechanics
German: Stoff
English: fabric, substance, (better) material
Query term: Stoff
Topic: mechanics
German: Stoffgemisch
English: material mix
Query term: Stoff
Topic: mechanics
German: Stoffzusammensetzung
English: material composition
Query term: Stoff
Topic: printing
German: Stoffaufbereitung
English: stock preparation
Query term: Stoff
Topic: recycling
German: Stofffraktion
English: material fraction
Query term: Stoff
Topic: thermal
German: Stoffkenngröße
English: physical property of a material
Query term: Stoff
Topic: thermal
German: Stofftransport
English: material transfer
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