Glossaries functions
More English terms
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Logistik
German: Schlauchlänge
English: hose length
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Logistik
German: Schlauchverschraubung
English: screwed hose fitting
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: MeasurementAndControl
German: Schlauchbinder
English: hose clip
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Schlauchanschl.
English: hose connection
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Schlauchnippel
English: nipple, hose nipple
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Schlauchdurchmesser
English: hose diameter
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Schlauchtülle
English: hose connector, (latest - used) hose nipple
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: Messtechnik
German: Schlauchschelle
English: clip, hose clip
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: electronics
German: Schlauchmantel
English: tube cover
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Schlauchverbindung
English: (Schlauchverbindungsstück) flexible-tubing connector, tube connector
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Schlauchverschraubung
English: tube connector
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: mechanics
German: Schlauch
English: hose, flexible tube, tube, tubing, sleeve, sleeving (elec), line, pipe, hosepipe (UK)
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: mechanics
German: Schlauchschneider
English: hose cutter, tube cutter, tubing cutter
Query term: Schlauch
Topic: trucks
German: Schlauchanschluß
English: hose connector, tube connection
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