
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: cameras
German: Korrelationsergebnis
English: correlation result

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: cameras
German: Korrelationsfaktor
English: correlation factor

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: cameras
German: Korrelationsfunktion
English: correlation function

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: cameras
German: Korrelationskoeffizient
English: correlation coefficient

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: cameras
German: Korrelationsverfahren
English: correlation algorithm

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: cameras
German: Korrelationswert
English: correlation value

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: mechanics
German: Korrelation
English: correlation

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: mechanics
German: Korrelationsfunktion
English: correlation function

Query term: Korrelation
Topic: mechanics
German: Korrelationskoeffizient
English: coefficient of correlation

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