
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: Lederverarbeitung
German: Kompressor
English: compressor

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: Logistik
German: Kompressoranlage
English: compressor unit

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Kompressorenbau
English: compressors

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Kompressorüberwachung
English: air-compressor monitoring

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: NC
German: Kompressordaten
English: compressor data

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: chemical
German: Kompressorstation
English: compressor station

Query term: Kompressor
Topic: mechanics
German: Kompressor
English: compressor

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