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Query term: bohren
Topic: NC
German: Mantelbohren
English: peripheral surface boring
Query term: bohren
Topic: NC
German: Tieflochbohren
English: deep hole drilling
Query term: bohren
Topic: Steuerungssoftware
German: Gewindebohren
English: tapping
Query term: bohren
Topic: Steuerungssoftware
German: Vorbohren
English: pre-boring
Query term: bohren
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: aufbohren
English: bore, boring, drilling, counterboring
Query term: bohren
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: gewindebohren
English: tapping, tapping a hole
Query term: bohren
Topic: mechanics
German: bohren
English: drill, bore
Query term: bohren
Topic: trucks
German: ausbohren
English: bore out
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