
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Platine
Topic: Elektrotechnik
German: Platinenaufbau
English: board layout

Query term: Platine
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Platinenabdeckplatte
English: circuit board cover

Query term: Platine
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Platinenabdeckungplatte
English: circuit board cover

Query term: Platine
Topic: Photovoltaik
German: Platinen
English: boards

Query term: Platine
Topic: Steuerungstechnik
German: Platinelektrode
English: platinum electrode

Query term: Platine
Topic: electronics
German: Platinendicke
English: board thickness

Query term: Platine
Topic: electronics
German: Platinenlayout
English: board layout

Query term: Platine
Topic: electronics
German: Platinenversion
English: board version

Query term: Platine
Topic: mechanics
German: Platine
English: PCB, printed circuit board, circuit board, board, card, (mech) plate

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