
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Abruf
Topic: IT
German: Prio Abruf
English: prio call

Query term: Abruf
Topic: IT
German: Abrufbar
English: called up

Query term: Abruf
Topic: IT
German: Abrufen
English: calling up

Query term: Abruf
Topic: electronics
German: Abrufmuster
English: recall pattern

Query term: Abruf
Topic: electronics
German: Abrufmusterauschnitt
English: section of recall pattern

Query term: Abruf
Topic: instrumentation
German: Abrufen
English: call up

Query term: Abruf
Topic: mechanics
German: Abruf
English: (options in a contract) call-off, (vision systems, neural networks) recall, requested, retrieval, fetch, access, search, (auf Abruf - on demand, on call), call up

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