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More English terms
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: ProjectManagement
German: Abnahmekonzept
English: acceptance plan
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: ProjectManagement
German: Abnahmekriterium
English: acceptance criterion
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: ProjectManagement
German: Abnahmetermin
English: date for acceptance
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: commercial
German: Abnahmemenge
English: quantity ordered, purchased, order
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: commercial
German: Abnahmeverpflichtung
English: call-off commitment
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: contracts
German: Abnahmeprüfung
English: acceptance test
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: electronics
German: Abnahmebedingungen
English: acceptance requirements
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Abnahmerichtlinie
English: acceptance recommendation
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: law
German: Abnahmeverpflichtung
English: purchasing obligations
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: logistics
German: Abnahmeplatz
English: unloading
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: mechanics
German: Abnahme
English: (Lagerwesen) output, used, removing, reduction, approval, approval testing, handoff, acceptance, acceptance phase, (~ der Ware), taking delivery (of goods), taking delivery, handover (used for Biogas plant), (Kauf) purchase, sale order, final inspection, inspected, acceptance test, (latest) acceptance of products and services
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: mechanics
German: Abnahmeregel
English: acceptance guidelines, acceptance rules, regulations for acceptance tests, inspection rules
Query term: Abnahme
Topic: organization
German: Abnahmeprotokoll
English: acceptance certificate
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