Glossaries functions
More English terms
Query term: Abgang
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: Abgangsgespräch
English: exit interview
Query term: Abgang
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: Abgangsinterview
English: exit interview
Query term: Abgang
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: Abgangsort
English: point of dispatch
Query term: Abgang
Topic: Logistik
German: Abgangsfeld
English: outgoing feeder
Query term: Abgang
Topic: Logistik
German: Abgangssicherung
English: outgoing fuse
Query term: Abgang
Topic: PostalAutomation
German: Abgangscodierung
English: outward coding
Query term: Abgang
Topic: mechanics
German: Abgang
English: departure, outlet, outgoing circuit, outflow, seepage, disposal (financial), retirement (financial)
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