
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Messstoff
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Messstoffbeständigkeit
English: maximum temperature of fluid

Query term: Messstoff
Topic: Messgeräte
German: Messstoffreste
English: residue and deposits

Query term: Messstoff
Topic: Verfahrenstechnik
German: Messstoffdichte
English: density of measured medium

Query term: Messstoff
Topic: Verfahrenstechnik
German: Messstofftemperatur
English: operating temperature, measuring temperature

Query term: Messstoff
Topic: Verfahrenstechnik
German: Messstoffviskosität
English: viscosity of measured medium

Query term: Messstoff
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Messstoff
English: vapors and liquids, substance, flowing medium, measured medium, medium being measured, medium being monitored, medium, liquid

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