
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: Prüfung der Ware
English: inspection of goods

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: Prüfungsausschuß
English: examination board

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: Lederverarbeitung
German: Prüfung
English: test

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: accountancy
German: Prüfungsunterlagen
English: review diocumentation

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: education
German: Prüfungsordnung
English: examination regulations

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: electronics
German: Prüfungsunterlagen
English: test documentation

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: financial
German: Prüfungsbericht
English: review

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: instrumentation
German: Prüfungsunterlage
English: inspection and test document

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: EMC-Prüfung
English: EMC test

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Prüfungsdurchsprache
English: test and inspection procedure

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: mechanics
German: Prüfung
English: Applying, (document) checked by, audit, (accounting) review, examination, (apparatus) checked, (IC - Physical Design) check, checking, checked, checks, (quality) control, (Q-Prüfung) control, (trucks) Checking, checking, service, test, (Quality control) control, inspection, test, tested, testing, (Prüfung … durchgeführt) was tested, (ESD) validated, analyzed, verifying, genaue ~, scrutiny, (zur Prüfung) for testing, examine, examination, ~ der Ware, inspection of goods, inspection

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: quality
German: Prüfung
English: (accounting) review, inspection, test, examination, checking, genaue ~, scrutiny, ~ der Ware, inspection of goods

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: quality
German: Sachverhalt
English: (legal) specific issue, fact, facts, facts of the case, nach Prüfung des ~, on ascertaining the facts

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfung
English: examination

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfungsamt
English: Examination Office

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfungsausschuss
English: Examining Board

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfungsausschussvorsitzenden
English: Chair of the Examining Board

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfungskommission
English: examining board

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfungsleistungen
English: examination results

Query term: Prüfung
Topic: university
German: Prüfungsordnungen
English: exam regulations

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