
Glossaries functions

More English terms

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: ATM
German: Kontroller
English: controller

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: Airports
German: Kontrollebene
English: control level

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: BusinessAdministration
German: behördlich
English: by the authorities, ~ angeordnete Kontrollen, inspection mandated by the authorities

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: Logistik
German: Kontrolleinrichtung
English: contaol facility

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: Steuerungssoftware
German: Kontrolleinheit
English: controller

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: accountancy
German: Kontrolle
English: Control

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: coils
German: Kontrollehre
English: caliper

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: commercial
German: Organisation und interne Kontrolle
English: compliance

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: instrumentation
German: Kontrolle
English: check, inspection, inspecting, (Kontrolle vor Ort, Control on site) control

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: instrumentionandcontrol
German: Fühlerbruch-Kontrolle
English: sensor-rupture monitoring

Query term: Kontrolle
Topic: trains
German: Kontrolleuchte
English: pilot light

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